Portfolio > Escape the temple

Escape the temple


You find yourself trapped into a secret chamber inside an Egyptian temple. Find all the clues and solve the puzzles to escape alive!

I’ve created this game because I am big fan of escape rooms. It was a bit hard at the beginning because, you know, you have to think about puzzles, clues, solutions.

Have fun!

Escape the temple

While I made this project for fun, escape games can be used for educational and training purposes, as well as for team building. Games can boost motivation and engagement and, consequently, can foster learning. We all probably know the power of storytelling: escape games are the perfect example of an immersive scenario. In these settings, learners are not afraid of making mistakes, they try and try until they find their way out. And they learn in the process. The challenge motivates them, solving clues facilitates memorisation, and rewards and recognition consolidate learning

Experiential learning (established by David A. Kolb in the early 1970s) assumes that we learn through experience, and specifically that we learn through reflection on doing. According to Kolb, in order to really gain knowledge from an experience, learners must:

  • Be willing to be involved
  • Be able to reflect on the experience
  • Have and use analytical skills
  • Have and use decision making and problem solving skills 

In an escape game creative problem solving skills are also enhanced. Borrego et al. (2017) found that using escape room-style games “to teach course content greatly increased student motivation and willingness to learn new information”.

Games and gamification are very “trendy” at the moment, but Serious Games can be very very expensive. An escape game is relatively cheaper and easier to create: you “only” need to plan it with great care and set very clear learning objectives. 

I’ve used Articulate 360 to develop the game and I’ve downloaded some pretty cool graphics from Freepik and a few sounds from Freesound.

Sources, references and links

The references that I used to write this article are listed here:

  • Borrego, C., Fernández, C., Blanes, I., & Robles, S. (2017). Room escape at class: Escape games activities to facilitate the motivation and learning in computer science. JOTSE, 7(2), 162-171.
  • Platform, N. L., & Market, J. (2019). Using an Escape Room as Gameful Training With Students. NACE Journal, accessed on Nov, 22nd, 2020 here
  •  The escape game as a new way of training? in the blog We the talent, by TalentSoft